Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Finder

Welcome! If you've found this blog you're probably already a fan of M/M romance, and maybe fantasy or science fiction that includes gay characters. I'll also be blogging about my novels in this genre.

So to get things started here's some information on my latest novel, The Finder. (Don't worry, there aren't any spoilers. Everything mentioned here is background information.) The action takes place about 800 years after a war ruined large parts of the world. People are living simple lives and some of them, called finders, make their living by digging salvage from the ruins. Objects with an unknown purpose are feared as potentially dangerous relics of the great war.

The main character, Rhan, is a finder and is very good at what he does. The problem is that his success relies on his ‘mark,’ which is an unusual ability or physical feature. His society views marks as a contamination of the bloodline and culls people who bear them.

His life gets even more complicated when he is drafted to help hunt a heretic who is rumored to be using an ancient artifact to stir up trouble. And I’d better leave it at that since part of the fun is seeing what happens when Rhan leaves the frying pan and is thrown into the fire. But take a look at the cover and you’ll probably be able to make a guess or two, especially if you read the blurb.

I'll be posting some excerpts here, but a good place to start is on the Dreamspinner Press website where there's already an extended excerpt from the first chapter. There's a handy eBook edition, as well as a paperback version featuring a terrific cover by Catt Ford.


  1. Hi, Brandon! Welcome to blogger world. :-)

    I'll pop back in after I've read The Finder. I'm looking forward to it! :-)

  2. Hi, L.C.! Welcome to the blog and thanks for posting the first comment. I hope you enjoy The Finder!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi

    I've just bought this and am looking forward to reading it.

    Are your other books likely to be available as ebooks?

  5. Hi, diannakay. Thanks for buying The Finder - I hope you enjoy it! My other novels aren't out as ebooks yet, but I'm currently in the process of doing something about that. Hopefully there will be news soon. I'll post an announcement here once it's official.

  6. I've just finished The Finder and really enjoyed it. I hope there is a sequel coming along soon.

  7. I'm really glad you liked it! You'll be glad to know a sequel is in the works. I'm not sure when it will be done (the outside world keeps making demands), but it's fun spending time with these characters so progress is being made.

  8. I just finished "The Finder" and it was so great. Once I started, I couldn't stop reading. Rhan, Aerik, Stian and Philemon are such great characters and I can't wait for the sequel :-)

  9. Thanks, Verena! I'm really glad you liked the story and enjoyed the characters - I like them too. :-) You can be sure they'll all be involved in the next adventure.

  10. Oh a sequel? Hooray! This was the most entertaining m-m romance sci-fi/fantasy action novel I've read. This book is perfect! As I wrote in my review on Goodreads "If there isn't a sequel or a series I'll be sad. But for now I'm glowing from reading this enchanting and innovative novel." Brandon Fox is a genius. This book was perfect! Please hurry with the sequel

  11. Thanks Zeke! I'm blushing! I've started on the sequel but took a break to revise three older novels that are going to be issued again in new and improved editions. The first one should be released in February 2012, and might contain information on release dates for the second and third books in the series. Keep your eye on the Dreamspinner Press web site!
